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media icon DUGiMedia 12 novembre 2010 Changes in the italian experience: local authority museums Zan, Luca
media icon DUGiMedia 11 novembre 2010 Changes in the italian experience: the Ministry and "Soprintendenze" Zan, Luca
media icon DUGiMedia 11 novembre 2010 The Difficult migration of managerialism: the British Museum in the 90ies Zan, Luca
media icon DUGiMedia 11 novembre 2010 Managerial rhetoric and arts organization: a framework Zan, Luca
media icon DUGiMedia 12 novembre 2010 Opening up to international research: Machu Picchu and its crisis Zan, Luca
media icon DUGiMedia 12 novembre 2010 Opening up to international research: research on the management of cultural heritage in China Zan, Luca
doc icon DUGiDocs 28 octubre 2020 Protecting archaeological heritage during conflicts. Syria’s archaeological heritage during the conflict and the local efforts to protect it Sabrine, Isber

